Lisa Michelle Manuel-Evans - Online Memorial Website

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Lisa Manuel-Evans
Born in United States
30 years
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Michelle Thomas Graves God's Love July 10, 2006

St. John 14.1-3

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in GOD, believe  also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may also be. May God hold your family in in his Everlasting, and Comforting arms. He is the truth and the light, the Rose of Sharon, a shelter in the storm, the Great I am. 

Sheree (Pease) Brown Deepest Sympathy July 10, 2006
Lisa, I am surely going to miss you.  Thank you for taking care of my sister and for being her friend while I was gone.  I know that you have gone on to be with your father in heaven. May God continue to bless and be with the Evans and Manuel families during their time of grief.
Keith Evans true love July 9, 2006


If anyone wants to know what true love really means, all they will have to do is take a peek at what you and David had.  The love you two had for each other is the type of love the world needs.  I thank you for the memories that we had and I will deeply miss those long phone conversations we shared.  I never knew I could talk about my brother for so long and laugh the whole conversation.  I miss you and love you very much.



Anna Slaughter With deepest sympathy July 8, 2006

I never did meet Lisa, but Cheryl and I have been friends since 1998 and she always talked about her baby sister Lisa.  I love Cheryl like a sister and somewhat feel like I've lost one.  I pray that God keep all of you strong during this difficult time.  God Bless.

Anna Slaughter

Fort Knox, KY 

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