My sister, my friend.....there are no words to describe the void in my life since you've been gone. So often I want to call and tell you the stuff that I would only tell YOU!!! You have the most beautiful daughter ever and she is so smart. Everytime she laughs, or smiles....I automatically think of You!! I Love You, and I miss you I promise as long as I have breath in my body that I will always keep in touch with her, she and Tina are the closest I can get to being with you. Peace my friend I will never forget U, and 1 day we shall see each other again...I love u.
Your beautiful great-nephew! Isn't he just precious?
Ky'shawn is growing so fast! On 2May08, he turned 4 months old. I sure do miss Lil' man, since he & his mom moved to Waycross . I'll get to spend some quality time with him over the summer though, but I hate that he never got the honors in meeting you.
I wish u were here so you can see how big Eric is getting looking like u know They are all getting big Knejie is on his way to highschool and Anthony is on his way to middleschool can you believe it time is flying by. Ur b-day jus pasted we are getting
Luv Ya!!
Today, 3-29-08, was a very special day for me, sis. I preticipated in a walk-a-thon with your son, my nephew, this morning for the Boys & Girls' Club of Phenix-Russell. I enjoyed every moment of the walk because he (although he had both his dad and David present) chose to walk side by side with me, "auntie". He's growing right before our eyes! I actually think he's going to be taller than his dad someday.
You nurtured such fine kids, sis; Job well done! I am so proud of Jelisa and Tyrone for their continued successes in school & for so many other aspects in their lives. They truly are outstanding kids; I wouldn't trade 'em for the world!
Much Always!